Step 1: To pay for an order with a credit card installment plan, go to the Payment page and select payment method "Installment by Credit Card".

(Desktop version)


(Mobile version)



Step 2: Choose a billing address that is suitable for your card or your payment method. 

(Desktop version)


(Mobile version)


Step 3: You will be directed to the installment method's information page, on this page please fill in the required information as shown in the image below.




  • "Card number": The 16 or 19 digits on the front side of the card. Example: 1234 5678 9101 1234
  • "Expiration Date"": The expiration month (MM) and year (YY) on the front side of the card (VALID/GOOD THRU). Example: 05/25
  • "CSC" (Card Security Code) is embossed or printed on the card.

        (Desktop version)


        (Mobile version)


        Step 4: Please review the information provided and confirm payment for the order by clicking "PAYMENT".

        (Desktop version

        (Mobile version)




        • You must carefully read the Installment program's terms and conditions. By confirming payment, you confirm that you understand and agree to the installment purchase promotion's terms and conditions.


        • Crocs Vietnam has the right to refuse orders that do not comply with the Program's terms and conditions. Crocs Vietnam' decision is final in the occasion of a disagreement.